Penis size

Some comments from women about penis size. Read the comments on the comments too:

The reason penis size is not critical and hints on the right way to use it with a woman’s sensitive areas are all explained in my book.

The most sensitive part of the vagina

What is the most sensitive part of the vagina?

Another blogger found my blog and clicked the ‘Like’ button. While I hesitate to recommend her blog since it is, one might say, sometimes lacking in aesthetic finesse, the blogger does affirm what I as a male only know indirectly, that is, that the most sensitive part of the vagina is the outer one-third.

It follows therefore that penis size, at any rate length, is not important, and reaffirms that it’s not what you’ve got but what you do with it that counts.

It is worth repeating this piece of non-news since there are so many web sites out there that say or imply the opposite.

In fairness to the other blogger, a link to a relatively less in-your-face part of her blog is here (‘). However do not click it if you are of a sensitive disposition. It is definitely not safe for work.  I would also say that the blogger’s attitude to sex is not the only possible one, although it does have a certain raw if desperate poetry.